New Clients

I'll need to verify you before we can make any plans. The best way to move forward with that process is via one of the two options below:

* The VERIFY ME form is my preferred method of receiving your information because it is set up to guide you through providing all the information I need to let my hair down and have you over.  Your information shows up in my email inbox organized and easier to work with (As a Virgo, this seriously makes me purrr….).

* Alternate Method: I know sending private information via a website form is a deal-breaker for some clients. Your comfort is important to me and I'd rather see you than miss you by insisting that you fill out my form. If the form is a deal-breaker for you, please skip it and email me your information.  I've created a template you can copy and paste into your own email.  It will also walk you through providing the necessary information for verification.  It won't be quite as easy because you won't have drop-down lists, etc., but it won't be that much more difficult either. 

Online Verification Form     Email Template

Returning Clients

It's always a pleasure to see you again!  Please email me and let me know…

  • Which session you would like to book

  • What days and times will work for you

  • The length of time you would like to schedule.

A quick response to your email or request is always my goal and I'll do my best to get back to you as promptly as possible.  During the week, I'll do my best to get back to you within a couple of hours. My response time can be longer though, if I am in a session or if you have contacted me over the weekend. 

Feeling amazing is just an email away...